The Single Window for Glass Industry
The Single window approach for the glass industry. ARCV'S Technology brings all major suppliers of the industry together under one roof to serve the glass industry with service and Consultancy.
The Single window approach for the glass industry. ARCV'S Technology brings all major suppliers of the industry together under one roof to serve the glass industry with service and Consultancy.
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Consultancy for project feasibility, pre-engineering, project planning, vendor selection, Modernisation of Solar glass,float glass, container glass, tableware glass, rolled glass, cold top furnace.
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Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tool for detailed modelling of physical and chemical processes in complex shapes. Running on different platforms, this multi-physics model permits a wide variety of materials to be simulated and many different physical equations to be addressed, including turbulence and combustion processes and their influence on glass melts. CelSian’s highly valued support team assists our customers for addressing specific requirements.
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Consultancy for Cold Repair, Hot Repair, Estimation of furnace life for Solar Glass,Float Glass, Container Glass, Tableware Glass, Rolled Glass, Cold Top Furnace.
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Selection of Refractory for all Types of Glass , Cement, Steel, Carbon Black, Paper and Pulp,etc. industry
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Fire fighting system setup for the glass plant, plant server room, fire safety, secure the sensitive areas. The local industry standard norms shall be followed and applied. .
Branch Office Address: SUNCITY TRADE CENTER,FIRST FLOOR 118-B, SECTOR 21, Gurgaon, Haryana, 122016. Contact No +919868935937, Email Id: